Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The "New Cold War"

It appears the USA, China, and Russia are embarking on a "New Cold War." In the last few days we have seen movements on the part of these world powers which seem to be challenges to each other. We are seeing the challenge of China by the US regarding the Dali Lama and Tibet. We are seeing the challenge to the US by Russia and V. Putin regarding Iran and its move to develop nuclear capabilities.

These challenges are good. The world powers are alligning and challenging. This will not evolve into new dangers although it might seem so from time to time. Instead, the challenges of weak states will be picked up and refined by the allegiences of weak states with one major power or the other. The major powers are more refined in the field of international relations. Such refinements will civilize the debates and allow the debates to happen.

These developments may seem like a recreation of the "Cold War" but this would be a misnomer. Another description should be used, one which is true to the "real politik" which is evolving today.

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